
Pin-up Extra | news and glamour from The Pin-up Files

31 January 2013

February pinup girl by artist Al Moore

This February pinup girl was painted by Al Moore for the 1950 Esquire calendar.

Al Moore's breakthrough assignment was being chosen by Esquire to replace Alberto Vargas, the most popular pin-up artist of the day. Among his triumphs at the magazine were his creation of the Esquire Girl (his answer to the Varga Girl), the 1948 Esquire calendar (with Ben-Hur Baz and others), front covers in 1948 and 1949, and the rare honor of painting the entire 1949 and 1950 calendars himself. By 1950, his two-page gatefolds in Esquire were collected by millions of Americans.

See also the Al Moore gallery at The Pin-up Files.

Al Moore pin-up calendar girl
ARTIST :: Al Moore
DATE :: 1950
Image subject to copyright

1 comment:

  1. Hi it is not a comment but a question. I am desperate for some info. I have a permalift bra department store ad. It is 2 pieces. The print of a busty pinup from the waist up by pearl frush 18x21.5. The cardboard matting has the text : permalift brassieres ... The lift that never lets you down... A hickory creation.... Us pat reg
